Lost the plot!

How can we choose to flow through life?

Okay everyone….So we all have bad days.  Mine was on Monday.  The day arrived and it appeared I had seriously lost the plot.  All I could say to anything was ‘I can’t be arsed’!  Did not matter what I came up with to do, I am sorry to say I just couldn’t find anything that seemed relevant, important, or necessary in the big picture of life.  I just let it flow. The following day feeling a little more positive I sat down to create a reaching out email to you all.  I hoped it would be light, fluffy and funny! When I reread it, none of these elements were obvious.  Not wanting to bore you I decided to leave it another day.  When I went to reassess the contents guess what?  I had obviously been so disgruntled with it that I had not even bothered to save it. This is your lucky day, I hope that this is more informative and uplifting!! 

I was drawn to reflect on how a flowing stream can teach us about how emotions naturally move.  At times a stream runs shallow: at others, very deep.  Sometimes it is gentle and slow; often it can reach the intensity of white-water rapids. Yet the water just keeps moving, even over and around rocks.  It constantly flows towards the ocean.  As it travels it is full of energy and vitality giving life and to everything that is within its path.

The best cause of action when a bad moment appears is to let the feelings just flow through like water.  It is when we hold on, hold back or try to stop them mid-stream that issues tend to arise.  With this comes blockages in our energy flow. An indication that this is what we are doing is when we start to try solve emotional issues mentally.  We start to reason, judge, compare, criticise, blame, label, justify or rationalize. How can we choose to flow through? Just simply feel the emotion.  Meet it, accept it, breath deeply.  No words required, no need for it to vanish or go away. JUST DIVE INTO THE STREAM AND GO WITH THE FLOW. The freedom to let the feeling flow is not about letting the feelings gush out of you like water from a water cannon, haphazardly spraying every one!

it is about acknowledgement, acceptance and choice. This can take just a second of time, or a few days, just go with the flow.  As you do this so you can acknowledge and accept the feelings without making them wrong.  Appreciate what these feelings might be trying to teach you.  Then stop and make a choice as to how you do wish to feel.  As the feelings move and flow, often one feeling will lead to a different, deeper feeling or awakening to a new and more joy filled way of seeing life.  Giving you a lighter brighter feeling.   

I can safely say that as I decided to let my feeling flow rather than fight it like a tigress I was able to acknowledge and accept it for what it was… a gift to teach me to go with the flow of the river rather than trying to build a dam.  I could then watch it flow away as I made a conscious choice to feel and enjoy my time full of gratitude for my life, as it is, not as my ego thinks it should be.  Accepting reality rather than trying to fight it leaves one with way more energy to enjoy each and every moment as it comes down the stream.

So be inspirational and blaze your own trail and let your feelings and emotions flow through.

Do let me know if you have had any similar experiences? Remember that we are the change we wish to see in the world and when we choose to come from love rather than fear, we are empowered.

If any of you are in need of support at this time and would like a one to one session via zoom or skype – do get in touch and don’t let finances stop you as I am happy to offer those of you who may be struggling financially, a couple of sessions on a donation only basis.  This offer will apply till the end of April.

Sending you so much love and look forward to our lives expanding with grace, gratitude, health and flow..